It was another well attended evening with plenty of members having a go on the lathes. I trust that you were able to learn a few new techniques and skills that you can use when you are turning at home. Here are a few photographs from the night:

It was of course also the judging of the Chairman’s Challenge that Mike set at the last Hands On evening. Andy Bishop won the “Novice” Challenge, for those who have been turning for 3 years or less, with his beautifully finished bud vase. Jake Dunn won the “Experienced” Challenge with his decorated 8″ platter.

Well done to both of you for your excellent work. I would like to thank everyone who had a go and brought along an entry. Mike’s Challenges are designed to push you all a little bit further to develop new skills, techniques and get more out of your own turning. I will be sharing details of the next challenges shortly, so keep your eyes peeled.

Finally, on Thursday night we also welcomed another new member, Kerry Clarke. Kerry, it is great to have you as a member of the club and as you have found out we are a friendly lot who are more than happy to help each other, so don’t be afraid to ask.

OUTDOOR EVENTS COMING UP – dates for your diaries!!

I am pleased to confirm that we have 3 outdoor events booked for the latter part of the year.

First up is the Forest of Arden Ploughing Festival which is taking place off Jill Lane, The Slough, Studley on Sunday 15th of September. Mike Crockett is organising this one, and already has some names of who can go along and support the stand. If you would like to support the club at this event, please let Mike know at the next meeting.

On the following weekend we are at Belbroughton Scarecrow Festival (21st & 22nd September). As I am on holiday for the next meeting, Mike will be collating the names of members who can come and help out at this event. It would be great if we didn’t have the same people who turned out on the previous Sunday. As we learnt last year, Belbroughton will only allow 2-3 cars in on a traders pass then the other cars are charged at the public rate of £20 per car. Mike is also getting together details of members who can car share in order to come along and support the stand. If you can let Mike know if you are able to help we can start to bring the logistics together.

Our final bash of the year is at the Bonded Warehouse Open Weekend in Stourbridge on the 19th and 20th of October. Traditionally, this is a great weekend for the club and as it is our last show of the year it would be great to see as many members as possible come along over the weekend.

We have seen a lot of our newer members come along and support the stand this year, and I am sure that they will agree that it is not as daunting as you first think. Please don’t forget that if you come to support the stand you can also bring along items to sell in the Craft Stall. What better way to earn a few extra pounds to put towards that next tool or piece of equipment that you are looking to buy.

Happy turning


Richard Pinches
Hon Secretary