Thursday night was our last Hands On and Turning Clinic of the year and it was great to see so many club members and visitors turn up.
There was plenty going on to keep people’s attention, the three club lathes where in operation, the members work table had an excellent display of work, the last Chairman’s Challenge of the year was judged and we had a “Know Your Wood” competition as well. On top of all of that there was a tool and wood sale and our usual raffle.
For the Chairman’s Challenge, Mike chose a platter that was turned by John Taylor in the beginners category and in the experienced category he chose a beautiful lidded box with integral finial which was turned by Roger Street. Congratulations to both John and Roger, but also a big thank you to everyone who took part. There were a number of superb pieces that made the final decision even harder for Mike.

The “Know Your Wood” competition tested members ability to identify 19 different woods from small samples on the board. It certainly proved challenging and Tom Phoenix was the eventual winner with 13 out of 19 correct. Well done Tom, and thank you to everyone who had a go.

The members work table had some superb pieces on display again. It is really interesting to see the different items that our members turn and bring along to share. This month we had a number of items inspired by the techniques that Mike Luck showed us in last months demonstration. Top marks for the finished results, it goes to show that our demonstrations provide ideas and inspiration to members. Here are a few pictures of the items on display.

Finally, we welcomed four new members to our ranks on Thursday night. To Joy, David, Mark and Alan we are so pleased that you made the decision to join the club. As you found out on Thursday night, we are a friendly bunch and there is a wealth of knowledge and experience you can tap into simply by asking. We hope that you all enjoy being members of Burcot Woodturners for many years to come.